My hubby kept on thanking me for a job well done and for being such a great host to our group of 14. We gave thanks before having our dinner and each took a turn saying why we were thankful and my husband said he was most thankful for me and that made my day, my week and I think even the rest of my year. I love this man.
Well, I didnt take that many pics because we were having such a nice time that we completely overlooked the camera. But, i do have a few pics that I will add to this post as soon as my camera battery loads.
Hope you all had a very loving, filling and thankful thanksgiving!
btw, WENT TO JOANN's Black Friday morning after only 4 hours of sleep and got a hold of great cuddle flannel fabrics for 28$...It was only 1.49$ per yard and I just couldnt pass that up, so I saved (according to my receipt) 99$ IM SOOOO EXCITED!!!
Cant wait to post pics of the burp cloths, bibs and taggies that I am planning to make with my gorgeous finds!! :O)
here they are: the Mumm fabric with big flowers and the paisley are for Nursing Covers for my sis in law and my cousin
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